
Monday, December 15, 2008

So, hari nie mungkin hari terakhir aku kerja...nak cuti dan berehat sepanjang-panjangnya...Apaapa pun... 4 those who know me..... Happy holiday....happy new bright day n last but not least Happy new Year 2009........

Funscrape.Com | More Happy New Year Comments

Saturday, December 13, 2008

So, nie cerita apa yang dibuat sama Hanan n Zawanah pada hari Jumaat.... Mula-mula awal pagi, we went to kubur untuk sedekah Al Fatihah for my mother [ grandma Hanan ], after that because of perut lapar kami pun ke Labisah untuk makan martabak.....also invited my bro to makan jua....n nasib baik ia mau datang.....
Yang nie pulak gambar kazen c Hanan....tengok comel tak...hehehe

And yang ni, saya sendiri.....hehe....tumpang sekaki... Oh Ya, gambar bulan tu saya ambil semalam, sewaktu baru balik dari jalan-jalan....... Saya nampak bulan penuh n it's gambar saya mcm blurrr je....

Ahhh tu je yea.......

Post by : Mummy
Memasak for me is semasa Hari Raya Haji [ 8/12/2008], l took the trouble to cook 4 my family, my bro n my in laws.... So this is the picture apa yang di masak........

So, sapa-sapa nak rasa, kontek saya yea..... Hahaha.....

Post by: Mummy

Ha...Gambar ni ambil beberapa hari lepas... baru hari nie ada masa nak post kat sini...

Actually, my niece masuk hospital because she been hit by a car while crossing at zebra lane....Well, she's in coma for 2 day because when she fell, her head yang kana and when she arrived in the hospital she already pengsan...... so they ( doctor) terpaksa membuat operation on that time because kalau dibiar lebih lama, darah dalam kepala alan beku... Alhamdullillah, now dia udah sembuh cuma kepala and sebelah badan bahagian kiri, n l know maybe it's took a long time to heal.... Apapapun....semoga cepat sembuh.........

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Assalamualaikum..... Nak ucap pada sapa-sapa yang tau diri ini.......Walaupun dah berlalu... kemeriahan di hati tetap terasa......

Funscrape.Com | More Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha Comments

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

l got this tag from snowdrop... l will try to answer it... Tq 4 sharing with me dear........

1. The aged of my next birthday
2. A place I'd like to travel to

3. A favorite place
4. A favorite thing

5. A favourite food

6. A favourite colour

7. The city I live in
8. The city I was born in

9. A nickname I had

10. College Major

11. Name of first (and only) lover

12. A bad habit

13. A hobby

14. Current wish list (max. 3 items)

Sapa yang mahu cuba d persilakan... Ambik lee sendiri kkkk

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

MyEm0.ComHari nie memang nak buat cerita... rasanya it's been a long time since I posted a new here it's.......

This is the first week of cuti penggal keempat...., before we had our cuti... I been busy with a new hobby which is cooking in the staff room....first we have "cakoi" yg disediakan oleh our lady boss [pbg] which is very nice to eat while it's still hot.....secondly, we have "kueh melaya' which in Malaysia called "apam balik "... and I get my self to get the picture...
On the last day, we were asked to a ta
klimat about SPN 21 at sekolah Rimba II n I took a few photo.....
So my last story. on sunday 29 November 2008, my hubby , me, Hanan n Zawanah went to Labuan for a wedding ceremony....we have a lot of Fun because it's our first time to went to a wedding ceremony.....especially Hanan leeh.....

First : Dalam Feri kan ke Labuan.......Second : At Dewan Serbaguna at Labuan....See the "pelamin", kalernya kuning.... very nice n I'm so suprised that who came 4 the wedding can eat while waiting 4 the bride n the bridegroom.......
Third: At Parkson n Ferry terminal...... walaupun panas tapi Hanan masih mau Posing......Yea......that's Hanan.... she wishes all pf my friend see her photo terutama katanya...kakak/teacher fadzuin/ lala/ rosma....hehehe

So...that's all for this week l have my long holiday but l will try to update a new story...

ps: For all my friend.... Happy Holiday...
pps : Oppp, Have a nice trip and enjoy.....MyEm0.Com

Be your self.... n you can be what u want to be......

Post by: Mummy