Malam tadi , aku dapat suprised birthday cake from my hubby n my kids.......Hemmm nasib baik tak keluar air mata....sbb sebelum tu aku fikir tak ke orang nak bagi aku kek.....hahahaha...
Eventhough my hubby choose a different kind n taste but it was awesome....... He didn't buy 1 flavour but 5 or 6 different flavour...... mean to say he didn't buy the whole cake but the slice one..... Anyway... it was the same we did when we having Hayani birthday....... So we taste all the cake that look yummy.....
So, ambik beberapa keping gambar cake aku.........

So, we all sharing semua kek d atas.....sedap tau makan berebut2....sbb every1 want to taste....hahahahaha.... aku rasa aku macam budak2....... tp kay lah dari tak de kan... so hilang dah rasa terkilan ku......
To my hubby n kids...thank u all so much 4 ur effort to make my day happy....eventhough simple....... Love u all....
Senyum dan ceria selalu,
Isteri dan Ibu,
Mummy Hanan