
Friday, January 21, 2011

Our Fun Time at Giant, Rimba

Assalam semua,

Hari nie aku nak share sedikit cerita...... Actually my daughter a.k.a Kaka minta hantar ke rumah teman dia... memandangkan tempat tinggal kami ngan teman dia ni jauh n at that place ada Giant so aku decide nak tunggu kat sana...... tak perlulah aku balik ke rumah....

http://www.emocutez.comSo firstly, aku survey lah dalam kedai Giant tu....aku nak cari file 4 my student.... lucky aku jumpa apa lagi aku pun beli....hasilnya penuh satu boot kereta aku.....

Secondly, aku pegi kat booth yang menjual buku.... apalagi aku belilah dua buah buku untuk ku dan anak2 ku pun tumpang sekaki....adui.....

http://www.emocutez.comAfter that, we just sit at the food court n my kids hav a lot of fun to order something to eat..... n also play at the playing area.... so this the few picture that l took......

Hanan at the slide....nstead of sliding she dicide to laying.....

Hanan, Wanah n Yani enjoying the food ........

Roti kuning
Kue Tiaw Sea Food
Su Mai n dont know the name ...hihihi
and be4 we fetch my Kaka, we saw this small competition.... "makan mee sehingga habis dengan menggunakan satu chopstick"..... n that was fun to see all the kids trying their best to be the winner.......

Its was fun.... n enjoy it very much.......

Tu jer....hehehe...

Senyum dan ceria selalu,

Mummy Hanan...

1 comment:

UmmiRosma said...

wah it was fun there..
your girls semua look very sweet in their hijabs...