
Friday, November 20, 2009

Nasi Briyani 4 breakfast...

Salam semua,

This morning woke up around 6.30 a.m, and l know that both my daughter Yani n Wanah are going to mengaji so l decide to cook something 4 my family and this time l choose "Nasi Briyani Ayam"...

It's been a long time since l cooked this nasi briyani...and l kind of missing mayb that's why " nasi briyani 4 breakfast. Even my hubby suprised and said to me " nasi briyani ? "..l just said that we pretend that we are at the Indian restaurant...

So, enjoy my picture of nasi briyani ayam.....

Telur rebus [ l like this to eat wiht NB ]
So, this is what NB suppose to look but still missing one thing ...."acar timun"
and my portion....hemmm, the smell so yummy delicious.....wish all of u can taste my NB.....
and this picture is 4 my daughter Yani, l don't know why she like this.......Hem, that's all......

Senyum dan ceria selalu,


Nora Isma Fuad said...

as salam, just to say hi... salam perkenalan.Accidenly terjumpa u blog ketika visiting blog orang lain.. banyak persamaan antara kita.. sama usia,sama profesion,suka berkawan.. nama saya nora.. penulis baru.. just visit my blog... thanks,

nora fuad

Mummy Hanan said...


Nora : nasib baik sya jumpa blog awak...sya cuba2 sja... salam kenal kmbali..thx u... sya suka tu...banyak kawan banyak pengalaman...sya tak pandai menulis tp sya suka membaca...hihihihi