Since last night l was not feeling very well....l've been attack by a flu n towards the morning, my body shivering....
felt so cold n have to cover my body wit a very thick blanket.....achooo [ ~sigh~ ] so l did not went to my work....
This morning, my fever went down.... slept for 2 hours....but still have a little headache.... still sneezing..... n needed TLC from my hubby......huhuhu
Hopefully..... l'll be better tomorrow.......
P/s : To UR..thx u for ur concerned n thx u 4 yummy cc.....
p/s : l took the pic of my cc
Love ,
This morning, my fever went down.... slept for 2 hours....but still have a little headache.... still sneezing..... n needed TLC from my hubby......huhuhu
Hopefully..... l'll be better tomorrow.......
P/s : To UR..thx u for ur concerned n thx u 4 yummy cc.....
p/s : l took the pic of my cc
Love ,
*Praying for your speedy recovery*
So get eough rest and just keep your mind off the school matters for sometime.Tnx for the cupcakes anyway.
akk..patula diam je..x sht rupanya..mkn doakan akk cpat sembuh
jgn lupa mkn ubat yer kak...semogaa cepat sembuh n bnykkan rest..
UR : thx u...well enough now... hehe
Ayong : akk dah sembuh dah...mksih dik krn doakan akk ye..... nanti kta smbang ya..
noamee : akk dah sembuh dah...mkasih ye....
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