Last thursday night, me n my children went to my family home n have a small sembahyang n then tahlil 4 my late daddy...May him rest in peace......
After sembahyang Isya' n doa arwah, it's time to makan-makan, so this is our food 4 that night...

That' s my sister Hjh Noraini n l'm calling ka lnoy... wit her youngest son of course she only have 3 children, 1 girl n two boy's , the other pic of my youngest little bro [ hahaha used to be ] now boleh jadi bapak budak..... n yg pakai kopiah atu my nephew....Pic. below : my Hanan n Zawanah giving a hand to prepare the dishes....rajin kan ?.....
On the 23th Feb, we were called by my hubby cousin to ate at their house n because it's free so accepted..........4 mama Mia thx u 4 the food yea.....

l took the pic of kaka while she makan...steady.....also l took the pic of my sister in laws n her child during their makan the ambuyat.....

After makan, relaxing n playing time....

So, we have a fun n relaxing day on that day...thx u....