Salam semua,

Kelmarin, mula-mula ingat tak nak kemana-mana....Rupanya anakku Hanan ada aktiviti kat sekolah dia. Iaitu celebrating "The Childrens Day"'s 4 kindergarden's only..... Hanan wanted to go because she and her friends was taking part. l think all the kg pupils diajar menari oleh guru masing-masing. So l went there along with Hayani.

All the chidrens are asked to wear tee shirt's according to what kg they are, such as kg 3 : red shirt, kg 2: white shirt, kg 1: yellow shirt. Just imagined when l arrived there, how many red tee shirt u can see.....And l said to Hayani , mungkin no more red tee shirt's at the shop....

B4 went home, the teacher give us a little souvenier... inside the plastic

After that, asked hubby to bring us jalan2 n makan2 so hubby agreed n we went to the airport international restaurant. The lunch was "Buffet" n the menu are international. So for the first round l eat this :

My second round : ABC

soto kuah ayam...yummy delicious kalau diberi lada padi...

My third round :

My last round or u can called penutupnya : bread pudding n fruits...

also : bread, roasted beef, malay kuih such as wajid and kek sarang semut....huhu

Aksi-aksi kami semasa makan : Hanan with me....

Hayani n Zawanah

My self


Liyana and Amir.........

Untuk hubby, terima kasih kerana bawa kami u dear....

So, after that, we went to my in laws house and stay there until it's 4.30 p.m.....
Sebelah malam, fikir pula apa nak masak...ptg tadi aku dapat "kupang" yg diberi oleh my mother in law...pernah nampak tak ?.....ha nie dia......

Hah ...yg nie dah masak...aku cuma masak ala-ala rebus.

Ini pula "Pais daging", aku cuma perlu letakkannya di atas api..kira macam panggang lah tu...

Nie lah isinya..... tp yg nie belum masak...kalau masak..akan berubah warnanya....hemmm best..

Dan ini biasalah kegemaran Liyana...yg nie dapat dari mak mertua...hemmmm

Hah, itu lah aktiviti yang aku buat hujung minggu kelmarin...... Hemmm tak sabar pula rasanya nak menunggu cuti sekolah penggal ke 2, dua minggu lagi..... Rasanya nak ajak hubby jalan2 ...cuti2.... boleh ke?.... tunggu je lah....
