Today, we have our staff development with our Headmaster.... The talk is about SPG [ Skim Perkhidmatan Perguruan ] or in other words "our new salary" . Our headmaster explained how the SPG works..... After that, we had a briefing about " e-kamus" which was explained by the 2 guys...... The meeting finished at 4.00 p.m
So after that l went home, bfore that l went to Mahmoon to buy an easi card, keladi n laksa cap udang..... arrived home...since it is still 4 .30 p.m, l took my free time to cook 2 things for my family, first : Keladi goreng..... just cut of the skin, wash it n afterthat put a little water n add salt....

While waiting for my keladi.. l make my second food. Yesterday my hubby asked me why don't l make bread pudding since all my children like them... so thats why l make ....Bread Pudding
The recipe the same as b4. But to make it easier this the pic.. The ingredients : Side view

All the ingredients mix together

so thats all.........

1 comment:
assalamualaikum...morning akak...
chik jalan2 singgah jap...wah chik pun suka sangat puding roti...
semoga akak berada dalam keadaan yang sihat ye..
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