It first week of Mei.... l been waiting 4 this week...... u want to know

Well it's bcoz this week is the last Episod Of DMA..... Hemmm to Azrin....did u see the drama DMA which playing at Tv 2? ..... wanted to know the ending of the story....adakah sama dgn yg ada dlm novelnya.....?....
K, let forget that for a while.... Yep..... this month [ Mei ] two beloved person n my life will celebrate their besday.....first : My wonderful hubby

So today, mcm biasa wake up early to cook some food, which ordered by certain people.... so my menu for today : Nasi putih wit smbal tahai n ayam goreng / Nasi putih wit smbal tahai wit daging rendang... it's 4 20 people.... the other menu : Nasi goreng kampung wit telur mata lembu / nasi goreng udang kering wit telur mata's 4 36 people...
So tomorrow, l have busy day also.... cook again...but this time, the menu for tomorrow :
Nasi Briyani Arab with acar n daging rendang / ayam kurma...... the other menu : Nasi putih wit sambal pusu / sambal tahai wit daging rendang......

Hemm that all for now... Maybe l have a new n3 for tomorrow.....
p/s : for all my blogger friend... especially Ummi Rosma. Ummu Mishkah,Rose Harissa, Dea Sara, Lily Haslina, Eka Fahara, Noamee n sapa-sapa leh saja.......l think it's not early to say

Love n friend always,

akk ni rajin btul masak erk
thanks k leeya
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY 2 utk kak leeya...semoga berbahgia dan bergembira disamping suami dan anak2.
terima kasih...
juga happy mother's day untuk mummy hannan.. moga sentiasa jadi ibu yang hebat!!
Nyaman bunyinya eh...
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